Sustainability - Kartesia

We drive sustainability

ESG is in our DNA

It is Kartesia’s vision to be recognized as one of the leading asset managers based on both the returns we deliver to investors and through responsible deployment of capital. We firmly believe that companies with high environmental, social and governance standards are typically better managed, both at a fund and portfolio company levels. As they entail fewer business risks, they ultimately deliver better value to investors.
Responsible investment has been and will always be central to our investment philosophy, across our strategies. We continue to strive for even better results on ESG and sustainability in all our investments and business activity.
Kartesia having operationalized ESG within its organization, all staff members need to take responsibility for our values.


We address climate change

Tackling climate change is crucial to Kartesia’s long-term success, at both company and investment level. The annual carbon footprint assessment is a key part of our corporate sustainability strategy. Since 2015, we work with several external service providers to assess the annual carbon footprint of our portfolio companies (Scopes 1, 2 and 3, actual or proxy). And since 2019, we have annually assessed the carbon footprint of our own company’s operations.

  • 2014

    Year we signed the UN PRI

  • 51 %

    Collaborators holding formal ESG responsibilities

  • 95 %

    ESG engagement rate on loan deals

  • 3

    Collaborators engaged on ESG full-time

  • 1

    Annual Sustainability Report including EU taxonomy and TCFD disclosure



Our Sustainability Policy

Kartesia's Sustainability policy look at how we take account of our economic, social and environmental impact. Through our commitment to sustainability, we aim to align our business values, purpose and strategy with the needs of our Limited Partners. We embed the responsible and ethical principles into everything we do.

Our latest Sustainability report

Kartesia Sustainability reports reflects our true engagement to improve our sustainability credentials and reporting. This includes relevant portfolio company case studies, our involvement in both our corporate loans and CLO investments. The reports also detail our philanthropic achievements, and a full outline of how sustainability is worked into our investment process.

Our publications with the UN PRI

We proudly participated in the first UN PRI report on the private debt market, published in 2019, in recognition of the increasing levels of commitment from private debt signatories. As we were also delighted to be invited to contribute to this same report through a case study on our work assessing the carbon footprint of our portfolio.

Our Climate Policy

Kartesia Climate policy is about how Kartesia takes account of its environmental impact in the way it operates as a business. We aim to integrates climate change at every level of analysis and investment decision making as well as in the exercise of our role as an active and responsible investor.

Our Stewardship Policy

Within our activity of funds and portfolio management, we seek to integrate lender engagement in our investment strategy. We have staff who demonstrate a real commitment to ESG. Where we consider that our influence could be useful, we conduct dialogues with investee companies, exercise voting rights and other rights attached to loans and cooperate with sponsors of the investee companies.

Voting Rights Policy

The purpose of our Voting Rights Policy is to set out key principles and standards regarding voting rights strategies, which are aimed at ensuring that the exercise of voting rights attached to the financial instruments held in the portfolios of the Kartesia funds is conducted in accordance with the investment objectives and restrictions of the said funds, while preventing or managing any conflict of interests arising from such exercise.

Impact Investing Policy

This policy applies to the Kartesia Impact Fund I (KIF I) and all future subsequent impact funds. It is designed to provide an overview of our impact investment activities, ensuring they contribute to our broader mission of promoting a better society on a healthier planet.

Kartesia Philanthropy

Kartesia Philanthropy is a vehicle built under the umbrella of the King Baudouin Foundation, that serves as a way for us to give back to the community and, thereby, make a direct positive impact on the environment and society.

Kartesia Philanthropy